Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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11 Generating JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8 Defining windows for JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8.1 Specifying window parameters for JavaHelp 2 > Designing your own window-access marker names Designing your own window-access marker names

To specify JavaHelp 2 window-access marker-name prefixes other than JH2Pop and JH2Sec (see § Overriding window-access properties with markers):


; PopMarkerPrefix = prefix for pop-up window marker type,

;  default JH2Pop

PopMarkerPrefix = JH2Pop

; SecMarkerPrefix = prefix for secondary window marker type

;  default JH2Sec

SecMarkerPrefix = JH2Sec

Prefix required

The window-access marker names require some prefix; if you try to assign an empty prefix, Mif2Go ignores the setting and uses the default value for that prefix.

Same keyword, different prefix

To provide different window-access settings for the same files in different Mif2Go projects, you can insert two or more markers (with different contents) whose names have the same keyword suffix but different prefixes, then just specify the appropriate prefix in the configuration file to select a set of markers to use for a given project.

Correct a document-wide typo

Another possible reason for designating your own prefixes: if you make a systematic error with the marker type name, such as using JHPop* instead of JH2Pop*, you can avoid correcting the name in who knows how many FrameMaker files, a change that cannot be accomplished with a template.

11 Generating JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8 Defining windows for JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8.1 Specifying window parameters for JavaHelp 2 > Designing your own window-access marker names