Assigning default window parameters for JavaHelp 2
Assign a name to each JavaHelp 2 window type you expect to define. For example:
; Windows = list of JH2 windows, each defined by its own section
Windows = mainwin screenshot procwin
By default, the first name listed is the name of the main window.
Note: Window name popup is a reserved name that identifies the window as a pop-up window; see §7.8 Creating pop-up topics for Help systems. Do not list popup as a window type.
For each window name assigned to [JavaHelpOptions]Windows, specify parameters for that window type in a separate configuration-file section of the same name as the window. These parameters inform the window descriptions Mif2Go places in the JavaHelp 2 helpset file. For example:
[JavaHelp window name] (such as [mainwin] or [secwin])
; Default = No (default) or Yes (to make this the default window)
; Name = name used to reference in code
; Top = top edge, pixels from top of screen, default 200
; Left = left edge, pixels from left side of screen, default 200
; Height = height in pixels, default 400
; Width = width in pixels, default 400
; NavPane = Yes (default, with toolbar is tripane)
; or No (for secondary windows)
; NavIcons = Yes (default) or No (show text instead)
; Image = image ID, mapped in [JHImages] if used
; Toolbar = list of items to include, from: Back, Forward, Home,
; Reload, Favorites (add current page to), Print, PrintSetup,
Toolbar = Home Back Forward Separator Print Separator Favorites
; Optional images for toolbar items, itemImage=image file ID,
; mapped in the [JHImages] section
Note: Size and position settings for secondary windows (Top, Left, Height, and Width) are always overridden by object properties of the links to those windows; see § Specifying window-access object properties.
> 11 Generating JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8 Defining windows for JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.8.1 Specifying window parameters for JavaHelp 2 > Assigning default window parameters for JavaHelp 2