25.3.3 Assigning WAI link attribute values with custom markers
You can use markers to provide text alternatives (and other attributes) for links. The attribute applies to the next link after the marker. The marker name must start with Link and end with the name of the attribute:
For example, to provide a title attribute for each link:
1. Create a FrameMaker marker type named LinkTitle (see §29.2 Adding custom marker types).
2.1. Place a LinkTitle marker just before the link.
2.2. Make the content of the marker the text you want for the title.
To assign a CSS class to a link, see § Assigning a link class with a marker.
> 25 Generating WAI markup for HTML > 25.3 Applying WAI markup to links > 25.3.3 Assigning WAI link attribute values with custom markers