Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go


21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.11 Converting footnotes to HTML or XML > 21.11.1 Configuring and placing footnotes

21.11.1 Configuring and placing footnotes

Mif2Go provides the following options for placement of footnotes from your FrameMaker document:

embed footnotes in text, [between brackets]

embed footnotes in text, enclosed in tags

place footnotes at the end of the output file, after a separator

omit footnotes entirely.

For table footnotes, see §24.5.4 Positioning table footnotes.

To specify placement of footnotes:


; Footnotes = Jump (HTML default, at end), Embed (between []),

; Inline (XML default), or None

Footnotes = Jump

; FootnoteSeparator is used at end of doc before Jump footnotes

FootnoteSeparator = <br /><br /><hr />

Values for Footnotes have the following effects:



All footnotes referenced in a file appear at the end of the file. If you are splitting files (see §18 Splitting and extracting files), the footnotes for each split file appear at the end of that file. Footnote text follows a separator that you can specify by providing a value for FootnoteSeparator. The default value is <br /><br /><hr />.


Each footnote appears where it is referenced in text, enclosed in square brackets [footnote text], replacing the reference.


Each footnote appears where it is referenced in text, enclosed in tags, replacing the reference. This is the default for XML, DITA, and DocBook.


Footnote reference and text are both omitted from output.

To specify configuration of footnotes and footnote links when Footnote=Inline:


; FootInlineTag = tag for beginning and ending inline footnotes


; FootInlineParaTag = tag for beginning and ending inline footnote

;  paras


; FootInlineIDPrefix = start of ID attr for inline footnotes; rest

; is sequential number starting with 1 at start of file.


; UseFootXrefTag = No (HTML default) or Yes (XML default)


; FootInlineRefTag = tag for xrefs to inline footnotes, uses linkend

; for href attribute, for DocBook


21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.11 Converting footnotes to HTML or XML > 21.11.1 Configuring and placing footnotes