Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.6 Specifying document-wide properties for HTML > 13.6.4 Suppressing line breaks in HTML and XML output

13.6.4 Suppressing line breaks in HTML and XML output

By default, Mif2Go inserts \n line breaks in HTML and XML output in several places, including (but not limited to) the following:

after each <a name= so the tag name always appears as the first item on the next line, to make the names easier to find when you inspect Mif2Go output

at the first space that occurs in a paragraph at or after 70 characters (not counting character tags), to make long paragraphs easier to inspect or edit.

These line breaks do not affect HTML display. However, if you are generating XML to be imported into a system that treats \n line breaks as though they were paragraph breaks, you might want to get rid of all unintended line breaks in text. See §14.3.5 Preventing arbitrary line breaks in XML text elements.

To suppress \n line breaks after <a name=:


; ATagLineBreak = Yes (default, \n before first attr) or No


To suppress \n line breaks only in preformatted text:


; UnwrapPRE = No (default) or Yes (ignore line breaks in PRE)

UnwrapPRE = Yes

To prevent FrameMaker line wraps from becoming \n line breaks in preformatted text:


; IgnoreWrap = No (default, \n where wrap occurs) or Yes

IgnoreWrap = Yes

See §21.10.1 Eliminating line wraps in preformatted text.

To suppress \n line breaks in all paragraphs:


; NoWrap = No (default, \n where space occurs) or Yes

NoWrap = Yes

When NoWrap=Yes, each paragraph comes out in a single line, without any line wrap. Also, leading spaces are preserved. To apply this option to a single paragraph format, see §21.3.6 Stripping paragraph properties.

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.6 Specifying document-wide properties for HTML > 13.6.4 Suppressing line breaks in HTML and XML output