Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.4 Supplying values for the <head> element > 13.4.6 Supplying content for the <meta> tag > Providing meta content with paragraph formats Providing meta content with paragraph formats

When you assign the Meta property and a <meta> tag name attribute to a paragraph format, the text of such a paragraph becomes a <meta> tag content attribute for the specified <meta> tag:


ParaFmt = Meta

Explicitly assigning the Meta property to a paragraph format is optional when you assign a tag name to that format in the following section:


; doc style = name to use for meta tag whose content is the para text

ParaFmt = metaname

For example, suppose you use paragraph format Metakeys to supply content for the keywords attribute:



With this setting, the text of every Metakeys paragraph would become content for a “keywords” <meta> tag in the <head> element of the HTML file. For example, if the text of a Metakeys paragraph is “staff, location, reporting, roster”, the <meta> tag would look like this:

<meta name="keywords" content="staff, location, reporting, roster">

You need a different paragraph format for each <meta> tag. For example, if you want author and source tags, you might define paragraph formats MetaAuthor and MetaSource, and map them as follows:


Meta*=Meta Delete




The Delete property prevents the content of these special paragraphs from appearing in body text; see §21.3.12 Eliminating unwanted paragraphs.

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.4 Supplying values for the <head> element > 13.4.6 Supplying content for the <meta> tag > Providing meta content with paragraph formats