Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

19 Creating HTML links > 19.2 Specifying link appearance > 19.2.5 Replacing problem characters in links

19.2.5 Replacing problem characters in links

Some characters that are acceptable in FrameMaker hypertext links and cross references cause problems for browsers; for example, HTML insists on all-lowercase IDs. Mif2Go processes FrameMaker hypertext link and cross-reference markers to ensure acceptable IDs, similar to the way CSS class names are processed; see §22.7.1 Understanding CSS class name restrictions.

Spaces are removed or replaced

Part of the job is to remove all spaces, possibly replacing them with another character when that is necessary to prevent name clashes. You can specify any alphanumeric character (or a hyphen or an underscore) to replace spaces.

To set the character used to replace spaces in links:


; These alphanumeric chars are used as space replacements in IDs;

; if non-alphanumeric (other than hyphen or underscore), spaces are

; stripped instead (default)

; XrefSpaceChar = alphanumeric char to use in xref markers


; HyperSpaceChar = alphanumeric char to use in hyperlinks (not URLs)


By default, Mif2Go removes spaces without replacing them. The same thing happens if you set XrefSpaceChar or HyperSpaceChar to any non-alphanumeric character other than a hyphen or an underscore: Mif2Go removes all spaces without replacing them.

19 Creating HTML links > 19.2 Specifying link appearance > 19.2.5 Replacing problem characters in links