Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.15 Mapping and merging CHM files > 9.15.1 Interlinking multiple CHM files > Requiring Mif2Go to use paths for mapped FrameMaker files Requiring Mif2Go to use paths for mapped FrameMaker files

When you map FrameMaker files to CHM files (see § Mapping FrameMaker files to CHM files), by default Mif2Go first checks for the presence of a FrameMaker file with the path specified in [ChmFiles]; if the file is not found, Mif2Go checks for the file without a path.

To require Mif2Go to use the path:


; RemoveChmFilePaths = Yes (default) to try to match filenames

;  without their path component in [ChmFiles] after trying with it,

;  or No to require the path (with forward slashes)

;  to be present on the left-side names.

RemoveChmFilePaths = No

See also:

§ Specifying the default CHM file

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.15 Mapping and merging CHM files > 9.15.1 Interlinking multiple CHM files > Requiring Mif2Go to use paths for mapped FrameMaker files