Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.12 Setting up CSH for HTML Help > 9.12.1 Inserting CSH destinations in your document > Using markers for CSH destinations Using markers for CSH destinations

To provide a CSH destination with a marker:

1. Place a hypertext newlink marker (command Specify Named Destination in the FrameMaker Hypertext dialog) in the text of your document where you want to display context-sensitive help; see §34.1.2 Using markers to add links and instructions. Markers can be anywhere in the text; a good place is at the start or end of the heading for the topic. Each marker must be within the material you want presented to the user.

2. Make the content of the marker a symbolic ID: a unique name with a prefix you specify in the configuration file; see §9.12.4 Creating an alias file for CSH links.

Mid-topic destinations

Even if you insert the marker somewhere in the middle of a topic, clicking the associated button in the application takes the user to the beginning of the topic. However, you can provide mid-topic destinations by setting the following option in the configuration file:


; UseAliasAName= No (default),

;  or Yes (to allow midtopic jumps for CSH)


First CSH link is to start of topic

When UseAliasAName=Yes, every CSH link except the very first goes directly to a mid-topic destination. Because of a defect in HTML Help, the CSH link for the first symbolic ID in your document always takes the user to the beginning of the topic that contains the relevant marker. If this is not acceptable, you can provide a dummy first entry by inserting a newlink marker containing a dummy symbolic ID at the start of your FrameMaker document. Also arrange for a dummy link to this destination; see §9.12.3 Specifying and generating a map file for CSH links.

See §9.12.5 Understanding alias-file entries.

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.12 Setting up CSH for HTML Help > 9.12.1 Inserting CSH destinations in your document > Using markers for CSH destinations