Including multiple ALink keywords in a paragraph or marker
An enhanced version of the [ALinkButton] macro (see § Building an ALink button object from an ALink keyword list) parses each $$AlinkKeys list item for multiple ALink keywords, allowing you to include several keywords (separated by semicolons) in each ALinkTarget paragraph or Subject marker.
This version of the [ALinkButton] macro uses two additional macro variables:
This button macro invokes the same [ALinkButtonStart], [ALinkButtonParam], and [ALinkButtonEnd] macros described in § Building an ALink button object from an ALink keyword list:
<$_while ($$ItemContent contains ";")>\
<$$ALinkParamText=($$ItemContent before ";")>\
<$$ItemContent=($$ItemContent after ";")>\
See § Using loop structures for an explanation of loop controls $_repeat and $_while.
See §28.6.5 Specifying substrings in expressions for an explanation of string operators contains, before, and after.
> 9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.7 Creating related-topic links for HTML Help > 9.7.5 Using the same format or marker for ALink keywords and jumps > Including multiple ALink keywords in a paragraph or marker