Creating a list of ALink keywords from paragraphs
Suppose you use paragraph format ALinkTarget for ALink keywords. To capture keywords from ALinkTarget paragraphs, assign properties to extract the paragraph content:
ALinkTarget=ALink Raw CodeStore CodeAfter
The ALink property specifies that the content of each ALinkTarget paragraph is to be used for the ALink Name property of an HTML Help ALink object (not the button object, which you will construct with macros); see § Adding related-topic keywords via format properties.
The Raw property suppresses any HTML tags that would otherwise be generated; see §21.3.6 Stripping paragraph properties.
The CodeStore property causes the content of the ALinkTarget paragraph to be stored in macro variable $$ALinkTarget. (The value of a macro variable that has the same name as a paragraph format is the content of the current paragraph in that format; see §28.3.1 Creating and invoking macro variables.) The CodeStore property also removes the paragraph from text output; see § Inserting code with the CodeStore property.
The CodeAfter property provides the means to do something further with macro variable $$AlinkTarget, which now contains an ALink keyword, plucked from the ALinkTarget paragraph:
Store paragraph content in a list variable
The [ParaStyleCodeAfter] code does the following:
• Increments a counter, Nkeys (which will be initialized to zero before each topic).
• Uses Nkeys to index a list variable, $$ALinkKeys (see §28.4 Using multiple-value list variables).
• Stores the content of macro variable $$ALinkTarget in the Nkeys slot in list variable $$AlinkKeys.
As Mif2Go processes FrameMaker input for a topic, the $$ALinkKeys list gathers keywords from ALinkTarget paragraphs until it is time to create the ALink button object for a topic, described in § Building an ALink button object from an ALink keyword list.
§ Initializing the ALink keyword list counter
§ Building an ALink button object from an ALink keyword list
§ Positioning the ALink button in each HTML Help topic
> 9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.7 Creating related-topic links for HTML Help > 9.7.5 Using the same format or marker for ALink keywords and jumps > Creating a list of ALink keywords from paragraphs