9.3.9 Regenerating the HTML Help project file
When you use Mif2Go to generate HTML Help from within FrameMaker, Mif2Go writes an .hhp project file during set-up, and rewrites it later only under certain conditions.
To specify whether Mif2Go should generate the .hhp project file anew each time you run the conversion:
; WriteHelpProjectFile = Yes (write each time) or No; if no setting,
; write only if the file does not already exist.
The values you can specify for WriteHelpProjectFile have the following effects:
If the configuration chain contains no WriteHelpProjectFile setting at all, Mif2Go writes an .hhp file, but only if the .hhp file is not already present. |
Mif2Go closes the .hhp file after writing it; so, if you had the .hhp file open in HTML Help Workshop when Mif2Go rewrote it, you could get an access violation. If you were using Notepad to edit the .hhp file, on save Notepad would just write the old file over the rewritten one.
If you use HTML Help Workshop to make changes that are not reflected in the configuration file, and they are changes you want to keep, you can prevent Mif2Go from overwriting them by setting WriteHelpProjectFile=No.
If you set WriteHelpProjectFile=Yes and then later decide to modify the .hhp file directly, be sure to set WriteHelpProjectFile=No; otherwise your edits will be wiped out the next time you run the conversion.
If the changes you make via HTML Help Workshop are limited to defining windows, you can add those definitions to your Mif2Go configuration file to preserve them; see §9.8.1 Defining secondary windows for HTML Help.
> 9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.3 Setting up an HTML Help project > 9.3.9 Regenerating the HTML Help project file