27.3.8 Identifying individual table cells by row and column
When you use the following settings, Mif2Go automatically generates the WAI id attribute for all row and column headers, and the headers attribute for all individual cells:
;RowIDs and ColIDs set row and col IDs in table header cells
; and the matching headers attribute in table body cells.
; ColIDs = No (to not use), or Yes
; adds id=colN to first cell in header row of each column,
; adds headers=colN to each cell below in the same column(s).
; ColHead is often seen in examples as "header", but this is
; not essential; it can be any useful identifier:
; RowIDs = No (to not use), or Yes
; if ColIDs are used, does not affect all the header rows.
; adds id=rowN attribute to the first cell of each body row,
; adds headers=rowN to each following cell in that row.
; RowHead is usually row, but again could be anything:
You can override each of the *IDs settings in the [TableAccess] section for selected tables by specifying the same setting, prefixed with No, as a property; see §27.4 Overriding default table-cell settings.
The values you specify for ColHead and RowHead are the names Mif2Go uses for column and row identifiers. For example, if you specify ColHead=name, every cell in column N gets attribute id="nameN". If you do not specify values for ColHead and RowHead, Mif2Go uses the defaults: col and row, respectively.
When you specify ColIDs=Yes, Mif2Go generates the following identifiers for each column:
Mif2Go interprets straddled column-header cells as applying to all the body cells under them. For example, if the header cell for column 3 also straddles columns 4 and 5, Mif2Go generates headers="col3" for the body cells in columns 3, 4, and 5.
When you specify RowIDs=Yes, Mif2Go generates the following identifiers for each row:
for the first (top left) cell in row n that does not already contain an id attribute (such as id="col1" in the first header row) |
for each body cell in row n to the right of the id=rown cell |
> 27 Marking HTML table cells for WAI > 27.3 Using the id/headers method to identify table cells > 27.3.8 Identifying individual table cells by row and column