Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

27 Marking HTML table cells for WAI > 27.1 Understanding table cell settings

27.1 Understanding table cell settings

You use [Tables] settings to specify WAI attributes that associate table cells with rows, row groups, columns, and column groups. These settings apply to all tables in your document. You can use corresponding [TableAccess] settings to override many of them for selected tables. To specify different [Tables] settings for all the tables in a single FrameMaker chapter file, you can include those settings in a configuration file named after the chapter file; for example, Chap2.ini. See §33.1 Using a different configuration for selected files.

Mif2Go generates identifiers for each cell from the [Tables] settings, to associate the cell with the specified parts of the table. To avoid duplicate cell identifiers when an output file includes more than one table, Mif2Go adds to each identifier a string that is unique to each table in the file. For example, all identifiers in the first table in the file end with t1, those in the next table end with t2, and so forth.

27 Marking HTML table cells for WAI > 27.1 Understanding table cell settings