Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

23 Including graphics in HTML > 23.9 Scaling images for HTML > 23.9.3 Adjusting image resolution for referenced graphics

23.9.3 Adjusting image resolution for referenced graphics

To adjust for images imported into FrameMaker at a DPI other than 96 (for example, 100):


; ConversionDPI = 96 (default), used when converting sizes to pixels

ConversionDPI = 100

This setting adjusts all graphic-related dimensions, including indents, after other scaling factors are applied. It does not affect graphic generation.

For graphics imported by reference, Mif2Go graphics “processing” consists of leaving the image alone, and using HTML size settings to achieve the DPI you specify. This means that if you rescale from the original size, you are relying on browser scaling, which is usually (but not always) better than what the FrameMaker export filters would give you.

Resolution will always be poor if you display at any size other than the original. For example, the text in a screenshot has many lines that are just one pixel thick. If you reduce the size, some of those pixels show up as a pixel in the output, and some do not. There is no way around this, and the result is unreadable. For print, you get away with this because a printer renders images at 300 DPI or better, often much better. That is, the printer uses smaller pixels than the screen, so you can shrink the image just fine. But your screen is always at 96 DPI in Windows. So when you display a screenshot, it must take up the same size on screen that it did originally, or it will look awful. You cannot make the pixels any smaller.

Two possible remedies for images that are too large:

Crop the images so that only the part of interest is shown.

Substitute thumbnails of the images; clicking a thumbnail opens the full image in a separate window. See §23.5.2 Replacing or surrounding a graphic with macro code.

23 Including graphics in HTML > 23.9 Scaling images for HTML > 23.9.3 Adjusting image resolution for referenced graphics