Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

23 Including graphics in HTML > 23.5 Selecting and modifying graphics > 23.5.5 Eliminating graphics in unanchored frames

23.5.5 Eliminating graphics in unanchored frames

Unanchored frames do not often occur in properly constructed FrameMaker documents, except on master pages. When Mif2Go encounters an unanchored frame on a body page, by default Mif2Go anchors the frame to the first paragraph on that page. This might not produce the effect you want. Also, an empty unanchored frame on a body page results in a “missing” image for a mystery graphic that does not appear in the FrameMaker document.

To exclude unanchored frames on body pages from HTML output, specify the following setting:


; ReAnchorFrames = Yes (default, anchor unanchored frames to first

; para on page) or No (skip unanchored frames)

ReAnchorFrames = No

23 Including graphics in HTML > 23.5 Selecting and modifying graphics > 23.5.5 Eliminating graphics in unanchored frames