Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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7 Producing on-line Help > 7.4 Configuring contents entries for Help systems > 7.4.4 Setting contents levels for HTML-based Help

7.4.4 Setting contents levels for HTML-based Help

To specify contents levels, assign level numbers to heading formats that start topics, and also to formats to which you have assigned the Contents property; see §7.4.3 Including contents entries in HTML-based Help. Level 1 is the top level; each higher level number represents another level of indentation in the TOC.

For example:


; FM paragraph format name = TOC level

PrefTitle = 1

ChapTitle = 1

AppxTitle = 1

Head1 = 2

Head2 = 3

Head3 = 4

AppxHead1 = 2

AppxHead2 = 3

You can specify any paragraph format, and all text in that format will appear in the table of contents. You are not restricted to paragraph formats that are mapped to HTML Hn tags (see §21.3.1 Assigning HTML tags and attributes to paragraph formats).

Skipping a level between headings in your FrameMaker document can cause a TOC problem, especially for Eclipse Help and in Java Help. For example, suppose in one place in your document successive sections are organized like this:






A Head3 section, which is at level 4, immediately follows a Head1 section, which is at level 2. To correct this anomaly for the TOC, you would place a marker of type HTMConfig in the Head3 paragraph, with the following content:


See §33.2 Overriding settings with markers or macros.

See also:

§7.4.1 Understanding how contents levels are assigned

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.4 Configuring contents entries for Help systems > 7.4.4 Setting contents levels for HTML-based Help