Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

31 Working with graphics > 31.2 Converting and exporting graphics > 31.2.2 Converting vector graphics > Converting FrameMaker vector graphics to HTML Converting FrameMaker vector graphics to HTML

Although you can use these WMFs for HTML, they will be viewable only with Internet Explorer, and not with other browsers. To create the WMFs, you must use Mif2Go in a preliminary graphics exporting step ostensibly directed to WinHelp RTF, then start over and target HTML.

For HTML output viewable with browsers other than Internet Explorer, you must direct Mif2Go to use the FrameMaker export filters to convert FrameMaker vector graphics, and specify the output format you want; see §31.2.5 Converting graphics with FrameMaker export filters for the available options.

See also:

§23 Including graphics in HTML

31 Working with graphics > 31.2 Converting and exporting graphics > 31.2.2 Converting vector graphics > Converting FrameMaker vector graphics to HTML