Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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12 Generating Eclipse Help > 12.3 Configuring Eclipse Help manifest files > 12.3.4 Configuring the plug-in manifest file for Eclipse Help > Including a processing instruction to validate plugin.xml Including a processing instruction to validate plugin.xml

By default, Mif2Go includes a processing instruction (PI) in plugin.xml, specifying the plug-in schema version used to validate plugin.xml. To omit the processing instruction:


; IncludeVersionPI = Yes (default, include PI with version

; specified by PluginSchemaVersion at start of plugin.xml) or No

IncludeVersionPI = No

When IncludeVersionPI=Yes, Mif2Go includes a PI of the following form at the start of plugin.xml:

<?eclipse version="3.2"?>

This processing instruction is required when you provide Eclipse Help files in a .jar file; see §12.3.3 Configuring the Java manifest file for Eclipse Help. The value of the version attribute represents the plug-in schema version; see § Specifying the plug-in schema version for plugin.xml.

12 Generating Eclipse Help > 12.3 Configuring Eclipse Help manifest files > 12.3.4 Configuring the plug-in manifest file for Eclipse Help > Including a processing instruction to validate plugin.xml