Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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17 Converting to DocBook XML > 17.4 Configuring DocBook elements > 17.4.3 Mapping character formats to DocBook elements > Assigning DocBook elements to character formats Assigning DocBook elements to character formats

To map character formats in your document to DocBook elements, assign an element name to each character format name:


; Frame character format (wildcards OK) = DocBook element, cannot be

;  overridden by a DocBookTag marker; or Frame format = No.

CharFmtName = elementname

To specify that a particular FrameMaker character format should not be mapped to an element:


CharFmtName = No

The value No means that tags for the format should be omitted, leaving the text inside the enclosing element. For example, map the character formats you use for links and cross references to No. Mif2Go automatically generates <xref> tags from the cross references in FrameMaker, based on the format, but you do not need to map the format itself to any element.

The default element for a FrameMaker character format that is not mapped in [DocBookCharTags] is the element designated by DefCharElem; see § Specifying a default element for unmapped character formats. It is best to map each character format to the most specific element possible, which is not often the default element.

17 Converting to DocBook XML > 17.4 Configuring DocBook elements > 17.4.3 Mapping character formats to DocBook elements > Assigning DocBook elements to character formats