Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.10 Configuring cross references and links for DITA > 15.10.5 Omitting <xref> elements from footnotes

15.10.5 Omitting <xref> elements from footnotes

The way DITA handles footnotes results in footnotes with IDs not getting callouts unless an <xref> element is added to provide the callout. However, the DITA Open Toolkit is inconsistent on this point. The HTML transform wants the <xref> element, but the PDF2 transform does not.

To exclude <xref> elements from footnotes:


; FootnoteXref = Yes (default, comply with spec) or No (indulge bug in

; DITA-OT for pdf2 output using Idiom/RenderX by omitting footnote

; xref)

FootnoteXref = No

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.10 Configuring cross references and links for DITA > 15.10.5 Omitting <xref> elements from footnotes