Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.7 Omitting table coding entirely

15.6.7 Omitting table coding entirely

If your reason for using a particular table format in FrameMaker is strictly presentational, you can have Mif2Go omit the table coding for that format, and instead just enclose the table title (if any) and table content in the parent element of the table.

To omit table coding, assign table type strip to the table format. Mif2Go wraps the content in the parent element assigned to the paragraph format that holds the content. If the table has a title, that title becomes the <title> element, and its parent is used as the wrapper; in this case, also map the table title format to the <title> element.

For example:


Holder = strip


HoldTitle = title


HoldTitle = section

If your document has several tables in a row that are all assigned table type strip, you might want the elements they contain to be merged under a single parent element. To prevent the parent element from closing automatically after each table:


; CloseStrippedTables = Yes (default) or No (allow elements started

; in stripped tables to remain open until closed for other reasons)

CloseStrippedTables = No

When CloseStrippedTables=No, you must make sure the parent element gets closed some other way after the last stripped table in each group.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.7 Omitting table coding entirely