Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.10 Converting index markers to <indexterm> elements

15.4.10 Converting index markers to <indexterm> elements

Mif2Go automatically converts the content of FrameMaker Index markers to DITA <indexterm> elements, determining index levels according to the conventions and settings described in §7.5 Configuring index entries for Help systems.

A multiple-level index entry in FrameMaker becomes a set of nested <indexterm> elements. For example, an index entry with the following content:

adaptive table sizing:for HTML:overriding


<indexterm>adaptive table sizing

  <indexterm>for HTML





When DITAVer=1 (see §15.2.3 Specifying DITA output options), Mif2Go produces elements index-see, index-see-also, and index-sort-as, and converts <$startrange> and <$endrange> Index markers to include DITA index range attributes. For example:




  <indexterm start="converting: characters">characters</indexterm>


According to the DITA specification, <indexterm> is invalid in a <title> element. Therefore, if an index marker is in a FrameMaker paragraph mapped to the DITA <title> element, Mif2Go wraps the <indexterm> element in a <ph> element.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.10 Converting index markers to <indexterm> elements