Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.5 Adding relationship tables to ditamaps > Excluding the ALink column from relationship tables Excluding the ALink column from relationship tables

If the DITA tools you use cannot accommodate relationship tables that include the extra ALink column, you can instruct Mif2Go to omit that column.

To prevent Mif2Go from including an ALink column in relationship tables:


; UseRelNameColumn = Yes (default, first col of reltable has ALink

;  name in <data> element) or No (use only usual type columns).

UseRelNameColumn = No

If your FrameMaker document does not include ALink references, and you do not insert any DITARelRow marker (see § Adding ALink rows to relationship tables), Mif2Go does not produce a relationship table for the map.

16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.5 Adding relationship tables to ditamaps > Excluding the ALink column from relationship tables