Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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32 Working with content models > 32.7 Specializing or modifying DITA topic types > 32.7.7 Providing table structure information for DITA topic types > Deriving a new table type Deriving a new table type

Although you can assign the strip table type to omit table coding from DITA output for a particular FrameMaker table format (see §15.6.6 Converting tables used only as image containers), and build your own structure around the content of a table, in some cases it is better to derive a new table type with exactly the properties you need.

For example, you can add a derived reference topic type that includes a properties table type that has only two columns (propvalue and propdesc), replacing the original reference content model. Then you can list the new table type in project configuration section [DITATables].

Suppose your FrameMaker table format is named Commands, and you want to define a new properties table type named propval for this format. You would create content-model configuration file DITApropval.ini for the definition of propval.

In your project configuration file:


SpecIniDir = path/to/content/models


Commands = propval


propval = added propval table type

In DITApropval.ini:

; Content model to modify reference.dtd by adding propval table type


TopicRoot = reference

TopicStart = title

TopicBody = refbody

PrologDType = "-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.1 Reference//EN"

; Note -- the following setting must be all on one line:

PrologDTD =


TopicDerivation = reference

ModelName = reference


propval = PropvalTable


TableType = properties

ColCountMax = 2

HeadRowMax = 1

HeadRow = prophead

HeadCell1 = propvaluehd

HeadCell2 = propdeschd

Row = property

Cell1 = propvalue

Cell2 = propdesc

You can add as many variants of the property table type as you please, such as another property table with no header rows. Give each variant a new table type name (such as propval) but the same regular DITA TableType.

32 Working with content models > 32.7 Specializing or modifying DITA topic types > 32.7.7 Providing table structure information for DITA topic types > Deriving a new table type