32.2.2 Generating a content model from a DTD
Utility program dtd2ini can produce, from a valid DTD, a content-model configuration file to use with Mif2Go for DITA or DocBook XML output.
Because dtd2ini is GPL software (GNU General Public License), this utility cannot be packaged with any non-GPL software. Therefore dtd2ini is not included in your Mif2Go distribution. However, you can download dtd2iniNNwin.zip from the Omni Systems Web site:
where NN is the dtd2ini version number.
To generate a content-model configuration file:
1. Extract the following files from archive dtd2iniNNwin.zip:
dtd2ditatopic.ini (for a DITA specialization), or
dtd2docbook.ini (for a DocBook DTD).
2. Edit the dtd2*.ini file you extracted, and save it as dtd2ini.ini.
3. Copy dtd2ini.exe to %OMSYSHOME%\common\bin.
4. Follow the instructions in dtd2ini.txt to produce a content-model configuration file, one of the following:
DITAtopictype.ini, where topictype is the name of the topic type you are adding or replacing; this is also the name of the content model |
contentmodel.ini, where contentmodel is any name you choose. |
> 32 Working with content models > 32.2 Modifying or replacing a content model > 32.2.2 Generating a content model from a DTD