Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.7 Choosing the kind of change to make > Renaming a section or setting Renaming a section or setting

You can rename a variable-name section, or rename a single variable-key setting, in a selected configuration file. Under RENAME existing item on the Configuration Manager Action page, choose one of the following: 

Rename variable-name section in one file

Only variable-name sections, such as macro definitions, can be renamed.

Rename variable-key setting in one section

Only variable-key settings can be renamed, with keys that represent format names or object group names. First you choose a section, then you pick the setting, then you choose the file where you want to change the name of the setting.

If a file contains the wrong fixed-name section, you have to delete that section and add the correct section. On deletion you might get away with simply changing the section name; this could work only if the settings already present are valid under the new name.

Click Apply action; the Configuration manager switches to the Section page, the Setting page, or the .ini file page, depending on the action and the available sections or settings.

4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.7 Choosing the kind of change to make > Renaming a section or setting