Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

37 Converting via DCL > 37.4 Command-line examples > 37.4.4 Converting a file to HTML

37.4.4 Converting a file to HTML

To convert file myfile.mif from MIF to standard HTML:

dcl -f HTML -t htm myfile.mif

The output HTML file is created in the same directory as myfile.mif, and is named myfile.htm.

Note:  ‘If you specified CSS output in your project configuration file, you will also see a file with extension .css, which you can edit as plain text. Not all browsers support CSS; some might ignore the .css files.

37 Converting via DCL > 37.4 Command-line examples > 37.4.4 Converting a file to HTML