37.3.1 Command-line switch -f format
The DCL -f switch specifies the output format, with an optional suffix that generates additional processing for certain formats.
The -f options have the following meanings:
Where F and L are listed under Suffix, to run only wrap-and-ship tasks for a project you can append one of these letters to the format name (case does not matter):
F - For a single-file project, run just the wrap-and-ship tasks
L - For a book-level project, run just the wrap-and-ship tasks
You can use dummy names for the input, because wrap-and-ship tasks are independent of the content files. For example:
See §34 Automating Mif2Go conversions and §35 Producing deliverable results.
These suffix options apply to HTML-based Help systems for which Mif2Go can generate contents and/or index. For example: -f HTMLHelpB.
B - Merge both contents and index
Letters C, I, and B represent three mutually exclusive options for the same merge operation, which can also (re-) create the project file (depending on configuration settings) while generating the other infrastructure files for the designated Help system.
Note: When you specify suffix C, I, or B for the -f argument, the input file must have extension .lst; see §37.3.3 Command-line argument input ....
> 37 Converting via DCL > 37.3 DCL command-line syntax > 37.3.1 Command-line switch -f format