Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

14 Converting to generic XML > 14.4 Providing XML tags and structure > 14.4.5 Configuring forced returns for XML

14.4.5 Configuring forced returns for XML

By default, for XML output Mif2Go converts each forced return (FrameMaker Shift+Enter, a typesetting “hard return”) to a space, except for text within preformatted tags. Within preformatted tags, a forced return always becomes a line break (not a paragraph break).

To always convert forced returns into <br />s instead of spaces for XML (and XHTML):


; UseXMLbr = No (default) or Yes (use <br /> in XML and XHTML outputs

; for hard returns)

UseXMLbr = Yes

Or, you can tell Mif2Go to close the paragraph tag at a forced return instead of substituting a space, and then reopen the tag without attributes:


; XMLBreakPara = No (default, each Shift+Enter becomes a space)

;  or Yes (close para tag and reopen without attributes).

XMLBreakPara = Yes

XMLBreakPara applies only to text destined for non-preformatted tags in XML output. This setting does not affect XHTML or HTML output.

When XMLBreakPara=No, Mif2Go changes each forced return (FrameMaker Shift+Enter) within a non-preformatted paragraph to a space.

When XMLBreakPara=Yes, Mif2Go closes the paragraph tag, and then reopens the tag without attributes.

To override the setting for XMLBreakPara for selected paragraph formats:


; These two apply to XML, but not to XHTML or HTML:

; XMLBreak closes the current para tag at each Shift+Enter, and

;  reopens it without attributes; overrides

;  [HTMLOptions]XMLBreakPara=No.

; XMLNoBreak replaces each Shift+Enter with a space; overrides

;  [HTMLOptions]XMLBreakPara=Yes.

ParaFmt = XMLBreak

For XHTML or HTML output, see §21.3.8 Deciding how to treat forced returns.

14 Converting to generic XML > 14.4 Providing XML tags and structure > 14.4.5 Configuring forced returns for XML