Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.4 Identifying split and extract files > 18.4.2 Specifying page titles for split or extract files > Assigning a title with a paragraph format Assigning a title with a paragraph format

For the page title of a split or extract file, you can use the content of the heading that caused the split or extract, or the content of the first instance of any other paragraph in the split or extracted part. Optionally, you can also specify a prefix or suffix or both; see § Specifying a title prefix or suffix.

Heading content as title

To use the content of a heading as a page title, assign the Title property to the heading paragraph format; for example:


; Title uses head as HTML page title, see [Titles]; may be preceded

;  by [StyleTitlePrefix] and followed by [StyleTitleSuffix]

FigCaption=ExtrStart Title

Heading2=Split Title

Headings in tables

Normally Mif2Go does not create a page title if the heading for which [HTMLParaStyles] has the Title property is within a table. If you need titles from headings in tables (for example, if your chapter headings are in single-cell tables) specify the following setting:


; AllowTbTitle = No (default) or Yes (allow title from head in table)


Otherwise, an HTML page title will not be created from such a heading.

Macros and macro variables

If you use macros or macro variables in the text of a paragraph to which you have assigned the Title property, you must also assign property Raw; otherwise, the characters <, >, and & all get turned into HTML entities; and instead of being expanded, a macro appears literally in the output. See §21.3.6 Stripping paragraph properties.

See also:

§18.7.2 Customizing title text for extracts

§21.3.1 Assigning HTML tags and attributes to paragraph formats

18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.4 Identifying split and extract files > 18.4.2 Specifying page titles for split or extract files > Assigning a title with a paragraph format