Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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36 Converting via runfm > 36.4 Using runfm for Mif2Go conversions > 36.4.3 Configuring runfm output > Configuring print output: runfm -print and -reverse options Configuring print output: runfm -print and -reverse options

When you use the -print option, runfm prints the specified book or document (see § Specifying FrameMaker file paths: runfm -book, -doc options); or if none is specified, prints the book or document that is already active in FrameMaker. If you also use the -project option (see §36.4.2 Identifying your Mif2Go project), the conversion project runs after printing is finished. 

Note:  You may not specify both -print and -pdf in the same invocation of runfm. Also, for printing to work without user intervention, you must make sure the default settings for your printer do not require such action; see § Specifying output via SetPrint: runfm -printer option.

Name a print file, or print directly

If you name a print file, runfm prints to the file instead of to a printer; you must specify a full absolute path to the file, enclosed in quotes if the path contains any spaces. The print-file path is set by runfm as the FrameMaker print-to-file destination for the book or document, with Print to File: checked. However, if the name of the print file ends with .pdf, runfm assumes that the printer is Adobe PDF, and treats the print file as though you had specified -pdf instead of -print; see § Configuring PDF output: runfm -pdf option. If you do not name a print file, runfm prints directly to the printer.

Make sure output is produced in the correct order

When you print to file, to make sure pages come out in the order you expect, also specify -reverse yes (for last sheet first) or -reverse no (for first sheet first). Certain FrameMaker files seem to have this print option set incorrectly when opened with runfm; for example, files originally created in FrameMaker 6 or an earlier version, then converted to FrameMaker 7. (The problem seems not to arise when you print directly to a printer.) After printing to file, runfm restores the original value of Last Sheet First. Because this might not be the correct value, if you plan to save a file opened by runfm, first check how this option is set in the FrameMaker Print dialog, and reset it if necessary.

Make sure the printer you want is the current printer

Unless you also specify a printer with the -printer option and have SetPrint installed (see § Specifying output via SetPrint: runfm -printer option), runfm uses whatever printer driver is the current default in FrameMaker. If you do not specify a printer, or you have not installed SetPrint, before using the -print option with runfm you must make sure the printer you want to use is either the default Windows printer, or is set as the FrameMaker default printer.

See also:

§ Specifying FrameMaker file paths: runfm -book, -doc options

§36.4.2 Identifying your Mif2Go project

§ Configuring PDF output: runfm -pdf option

§ Specifying output via SetPrint: runfm -printer option

36 Converting via runfm > 36.4 Using runfm for Mif2Go conversions > 36.4.3 Configuring runfm output > Configuring print output: runfm -print and -reverse options