Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.11 Handling different page size or orientation

6.5.11 Handling different page size or orientation

If the master pages in your document are of different sizes, and you are converting to Word, Mif2Go starts a new Word section each time the page size changes. For example, if your First master page has a body text frame that is a different size from the body text frames on Left and Right pages, in Word you will get a section break between first and second pages; probably not what you want. You have two choices:

Use a conversion template that has all master-page body text frames the same size (see §2.4 Importing formats from a conversion template).

Use paragraph spacing and Frame Above / Frame Below in FrameMaker to get the desired effect on the First page, but keep the body-text frame the same size as for Left and Right pages.

If you use landscape pages for large tables, as long as no text flows across the page breaks before and after each table, the effect should look the same in Word as in FrameMaker. A change to or from landscape can happen only at a section break in Word.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.11 Handling different page size or orientation