Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.1 Understanding page layout restrictions

6.5.1 Understanding page layout restrictions

Word does not cope well with varying page layouts. While it is possible to alter the header and footer for the first page, it is not possible to alter other page layout features the way you can in FrameMaker You must observe the following layout restrictions in your FrameMaker document:

Use only First, Left, and Right master pages, and no others.

Keep all master-page body frames exactly the same size, at the same vertical position. (Mirroring for left-right is acceptable; so is using a fixed gutter.)

Make sure that no part of the header extends below the top of the body frame, and that no part of the footer extends above the bottom of the body frame.

Keep the header and footer simple: only one text frame each, with any graphics in anchored frames.

If your FrameMaker document has a more complex layout, you might have to use a conversion template to create an intermediate layout that conforms to these restrictions; see §2.4 Importing formats from a conversion template.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.1 Understanding page layout restrictions