Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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28 Working with macros > 28.4 Using multiple-value list variables > 28.4.3 Initializing list variables

28.4.3 Initializing list variables

To preset values for list-variable items, create a configuration-file section for the list variable, and use the section to populate the list with indexes and corresponding values. For example:


1 = First

abc = Alpha start

xyz = Alpha end

0 = Default

mno = middle

With these settings, the initial value of <$$MyList[1]> would be First and the initial value of <$$MyList[mno]> would be middle. The initial value of <$$MyList[ghi]> would be Default, because no value has been provided for an index named ghi (see §28.4.2 Assigning a value to a list-variable item).

Suppose you set <$$MyList[1]=Second> in a macro. If this macro or another macro subsequently refers to <$$MyList[1]> while Mif2Go is processing the same FrameMaker file, the value is Second, not First. But the value in the configuration file does not change, so when Mif2Go processes the next FrameMaker file, the initial value of <$$MyList[1]> is First again. That is, the new value Second is in effect for the rest of the current FrameMaker file, but is not stored for use in the next.

28 Working with macros > 28.4 Using multiple-value list variables > 28.4.3 Initializing list variables