Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

11 Generating JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.3 Setting up a JavaHelp or Oracle Help project > 11.3.7 Creating a directory structure for JavaHelp / Oracle Help > Letting Mif2Go set up the directory structure and copy files Letting Mif2Go set up the directory structure and copy files

To have Mif2Go set up the JavaHelp or Oracle Help directory structure for you, specify a path to the top-level directory. For example:


WrapAndShip = Yes

; WrapPath = for JavaHelp or Oracle Help, path to top-level dir, ;  default is output dir

WrapPath = ./help

WrapPath can be an absolute path or a path relative to the project directory; the default value of WrapPath is the project directory itself.

Directories are created

When you specify a value for WrapPath, Mif2Go creates the WrapPath directory if it is not already present, and also creates the two required subdirectories, if they are not already present.

To specify names for the subdirectories:

[JavaHelpOptions] or [OracleHelpOptions]

; HTMLSubdir = subdirectory of WrapPath for *.htm, *.css, and *.js

;  files, default "html"

HTMLSubdir = html

; GraphSubdir = subdirectory of WrapPath for *.gif, *.jpg, and *.png

;  files, default "graphics"

GraphSubdir = graphics

Unless you are creating a proprietary directory structure, just accept the default names.

The directory designated by HTMLSubdir is the default setting for MapFilePrefix, with “/” appended; see § Specifying a path for search-index links.

The directory designated by GraphSubdir is the default JavaHelp and Oracle Help setting for [Graphics]GraphPath, with “../” prepended; see § Locating graphics files for JavaHelp and Oracle Help.

Directories can be emptied before copying

To empty the subdirectories before copying:

[JavaHelpOptions] or [OracleHelpOptions]

; EmptyJavaHTMLSubdir = Yes (default, empty HTMLSubdir directory

;  before copying) or No (leave HTML files in place)

EmptyJavaHTMLSubdir = Yes

; EmptyJavaGraphSubdir = No (default, leave graphics files in place)

; or Yes (empty GraphSubdir directory before copying)

EmptyJavaGraphSubdir = Yes

Files are copied from the project directory

When you specify a value for [Automation]WrapPath, Mif2Go automatically populates the directory structure. After generating HTML files and optionally creating a full-text search index, Mif2Go copies files that have the following extensions, from the project directory to the directory specified by WrapPath, or to the appropriate subdirectory. For example, with WrapPath=./help and default names for the subdirectories:



File extensions


*.xml *.hs *.jhm


*.htm *.css *.js


*.gif *.jpg *.png

Note:  Files are automatically copied from the project directory only if you specify a value for WrapPath.

List files to copy to the top directory

To specify what files to copy to the top directory:

[JavaHelpOptions] or [OracleHelpOptions]

; JavaRootFiles = list of files to copy to WrapPath

JavaRootFiles = *.hs *.jhm *.xml

You can use JavaRootFiles to list files to be copied to the directory designated by WrapPath. The file specifications you assign to JavaRootFiles must be separated by spaces, and no spaces are allowed within a file specification. You can use wildcards in file specifications, and include absolute or relative paths to indicate where files should be copied from; the default is from the project directory. By default, the following files are copied:

*.hs *.jhm *.xml

Any file list you assign to JavaRootFiles overrides these defaults.

Graphics can be copied from a different directory

To have Mif2Go copy graphics files from a location other than the project directory:


WrapAndShip = Yes

CopyOriginalGraphics = Yes

When CopyOriginalGraphics=Yes, Mif2Go follows the file paths in your FrameMaker source to find the graphics files to copy to the directory specified by GraphSubdir.

See also:

§7.2.4 Compiling and distributing Help systems.

§35 Producing deliverable results

11 Generating JavaHelp or Oracle Help > 11.3 Setting up a JavaHelp or Oracle Help project > 11.3.7 Creating a directory structure for JavaHelp / Oracle Help > Letting Mif2Go set up the directory structure and copy files