Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.12 Converting list formats to HTML > 21.12.3 Indenting list items > Inserting spaces between first-line list autonumber and text Inserting spaces between first-line list autonumber and text

You can use macros to insert fixed spaces after the autonumber or bullet to get the first text line to align with subsequent lines. This is not a precise method, because you can adjust space only in nbsp-width increments.

To add fixed spaces after an autonumber or bullet:


; Paragraph format = keywords for functions and properties

ListFormat = CodeAfterAnum


; doc style = HTML code to use after end of autonumber sequence

ListFormat =    

You have to determine the proper number of spaces by trial and error. And sadly, it will be different when you get to double digits in numbered lists: then you must reduce the number of nbsps by one. You could maintain a macro-variable counter (see §28.3 Using macro variables), but synchronizing the count with the FrameMaker numbering would be challenging.

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.12 Converting list formats to HTML > 21.12.3 Indenting list items > Inserting spaces between first-line list autonumber and text