Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.12 Converting list formats to HTML > 21.12.2 Converting list formats to HTML list styles > Specifying HTML list styles (deprecated) Specifying HTML list styles (deprecated)

To specify HTML list styles explicitly:


; doc format (para or char) = keywords for functions and properties

; List1 - List12 specify different list styles:

; 1-5 = OL, ordered list types 1, i, I, a, and A

; 6-8 = UL, unordered list types disc, circle, and square

; The rest vary from one browser to another; Opera shows as:

; 9 = DIR, nonindented list, no bullets or numbers

; 10 = MENU, bulleted and indented like 6

; 11 = DL, dictionary list, indented, no bullets

; 12 = DL COMPACT, like 11 but with less spacing

; LFirst specifies a style that starts a list

; LEnd specifies a non-list style that ends any prior lists

; LNest specifies a style that nests in an enclosing list

; LLevel specifies the nesting level to use, 1-30

; DListDD specifies use of dd instead of dt for items in dl lists

Note:  Mif2Go overrides these settings with properties you specify in a format configuration file for the same formats; see §5.7.4 Configuring list formats on page 86.

For all Listn styles:

Assign LFirst to each paragraph format that starts a list, regardless of level or nesting, to restart numbering; see § Converting lists with multiple paragraph formats.

Assign LEnd to each non-list paragraph format that immediately follows a list; see § Converting lists with multiple paragraph formats.

Assign LNest and LLeveln to each paragraph format in a list that is nested inside another list; see § Converting nested lists.

You can assign more than one list keyword to a format. For example:


Numbered1 = List1 LFirst

Numbered = List1

Bulleted = List6

Body = LEnd

Heading* = LEnd

When you assign Listn, FrameMaker autonumbers are removed automatically; if the style you choose includes an HTML autonumber, that symbol is used instead, depending on browser interpretation. List styles 1 through 8 generally are reliable. List styles 9 through 12 are browser dependent; the same style in different browsers might show up with or without indents or bullets.

Note:  Any format that can end a list must be assigned LEnd; otherwise the paragraphs that follow will be treated as part of the last list item, and will be indented.

If you are using CSS, Mif2Go applies the same class name used in the first <li> item in a list to the <ol> or <ul> that precedes it. This permits convenient CSS adjustment of margins before and after lists, obviating the need to use distinct paragraph formats for the first and last list items.

You will need additional settings for the following:

Lists that include more than one paragraph format; see § Converting lists with multiple paragraph formats.

Nested lists; see § Converting nested lists.

Dictionary-style lists; see § Converting dictionary lists.

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.12 Converting list formats to HTML > 21.12.2 Converting list formats to HTML list styles > Specifying HTML list styles (deprecated)