Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

24 Converting tables to HTML > 24.2 Defining sets of tables > 24.2.1 Determining the TableID

24.2.1 Determining the TableID

Use this method only for short-lived documents. FrameMaker TableIDs are not necessarily preserved when a document is moved to a different version of FrameMaker, and possibly not even when a new template is applied.

To determine the TableID for a particular table, in FrameMaker do the following:

1. Find the table’s FrameMaker TableID:

1.1. Click in the table heading.

1.2. Without moving the mouse, Shift-click.

1.3. Look at the FrameMaker status bar; it should show an entry of the form TableID=nnnnnn.

2. Find the FileID for the file containing the table:

2.1. Look in file mif2go.ini, which is in the same directory as your document.

2.2. Find under [FileIDs] the entry for your FrameMaker file; these entries are of the form: fmfile=aa.

3. Combine Mif2Go FileID and FrameMaker TableID to get the Mif2Go TableID: aannnnnn.

For example, if the Mif2Go FileID is bb and the FrameMaker TableID is 123412, the Mif2Go TableID would be bb123412. See §5.3.1 Understanding how Mif2Go creates identifiers.

24 Converting tables to HTML > 24.2 Defining sets of tables > 24.2.1 Determining the TableID