Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.12 Setting up CSH for HTML Help > 9.12.6 Producing a list of aliases and associated topic titles

9.12.6 Producing a list of aliases and associated topic titles

To direct Mif2Go to prepare a list of all the CSH IDs used in your document, along with the titles (not the file names) of the topics in which each was found:


; AliasTitle = No (default) or Yes (generate .hht file with titles

; for all topics containing CSH aliases, like the .hha but with titles

; not filenames)

AliasTitle = Yes

When AliasTitle=Yes, Mif2Go writes to the project directory a file named MyDoc.hht, where MyDoc is the name of your HTML Help project. Each line in the .hht file contains an ID followed by the title of its topic. For example:

IDH_ChooseProject "Setting up a Mif2Go project"

IDH_Export "Converting documents"

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.12 Setting up CSH for HTML Help > 9.12.6 Producing a list of aliases and associated topic titles