Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.12 Converting conditions to DITA attributes > 15.12.2 Mapping FrameMaker conditions to element attributes

15.12.2 Mapping FrameMaker conditions to element attributes

To convert conditional text to DITA attributes, you must set FrameMaker Show/Hide to show all the conditions for which you want content present; for migration, that would be Show All. The conditions shown are identified in DITA output. Content that remains hidden in FrameMaker is not included. Multiple conditions result in multiple conditional attribute values.

To map a FrameMaker condition to an element attribute:


; Condition name = attributes for elements

CondName= attrname="attrvalue"

For DITA, the attribute name is usually one of props, platform, product, audience, or otherprops. For example:


ProductA = product="A"

ProductB = product="B"

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.12 Converting conditions to DITA attributes > 15.12.2 Mapping FrameMaker conditions to element attributes