Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.8 Organizing DITA topics > 15.8.2 Splitting FrameMaker files into DITA topic files

15.8.2 Splitting FrameMaker files into DITA topic files

By default, Mif2Go splits each FrameMaker file into individual DITA XML topic files, one file per topic. To have Mif2Go generate instead a single multi-topic DITA XML file from each FrameMaker file (not recommended):


;SplitTopicFiles = Yes (default, each topic is a file)

;  or No (wrap all topics in chapter together with <dita> tag)

SplitTopicFiles = No

When SplitTopicFiles=Yes, Mif2Go splits each chapter file on topic boundaries identified by FrameMaker paragraph formats; see §15.9.1 Designating starting points for DITA topics. A topic ends at the start of the next topic, or at the end of the FrameMaker file. When you split a FrameMaker file into individual DITA topic files, the hierarchical relationship among those topics is made explicit in the map levels assigned to those topics; see §16.2.2 Specifying topic levels in ditamaps.

When SplitTopicFiles=No, unless you nest the topics from each FrameMaker file so there is just one top-level topic, Mif2Go wraps all topics within a top-level <dita> element. See §15.8.4 Nesting DITA topics in unsplit files.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.8 Organizing DITA topics > 15.8.2 Splitting FrameMaker files into DITA topic files