Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.6 Converting tables used only as image containers

15.6.6 Converting tables used only as image containers

If you use tables to hold images in FrameMaker, and the table title serves as the image caption, you can assign Mif2Go table type figure to the FrameMaker table format. Table type figure is an alias for table type simple. Because DITA requires a <fig> element to have its <title> element (the image caption) before the image, for table type figure Mif2Go does the following:

uses the content of the table title for the figure <title> element

places the generated <simpletable> after the figure <title> element

wraps both in a <fig> element.

This keeps the images packaged more or less the way they are in your FrameMaker document. For example:

<fig id="ab998633"><title>Project configuration</title>

<simpletable id="ab998614">


<stentry><image href="projcfg.gif" placement="inline"/></stentry>




To map a table format (for example, FigTable) to Mif2Go table type figure:


FigTable = figure

Also map the table title format (for example, FigTitle) to the <title> element:


FigTitle = title

To ensure that the title and table are properly wrapped in a <fig> element, specify <fig> as the parent of the title format:


FigTitle = fig

As an alternative, if you do not need the table itself in DITA, you can remove the table coding instead:


FigTable = strip

See also:

§15.6.7 Omitting table coding entirely

§15.7 Specifying options for images in DITA XML

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.6 Converting tables used only as image containers