Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.1 Working with Mif2Go DITA table types > Mapping table formats to Mif2Go table types Mapping table formats to Mif2Go table types

For exceptions, you can insert a DitaTable marker at the start of the table title, with content one of the established DITA types: simple, tgroup, properties, choice, or definition.

To map FrameMaker table formats to Mif2Go table types (for example):


; Frame table format (wildcards OK) = base table type, one of table,

;  simple, figure, choice (in task), property (in reference), or

;  strip (omit table coding, keep title and cell content).

FormatA = table

Format B = simple

Choices = choice

Properties = property

FigTable = figure

Holder = strip

The names of table types assigned to table formats in [DITATables] are Mif2Go identifiers, not DITA table tags. You can define additional table types in content-model configuration files; see §32.7.7 Providing table structure information for DITA topic types.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML > 15.6.1 Working with Mif2Go DITA table types > Mapping table formats to Mif2Go table types