Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.5 Nesting DITA block elements > 15.5.9 Closing DITA ancestor elements > Ending ancestor elements before the current block Ending ancestor elements before the current block

In some cases, it is not clear whether a paragraph is supposed to be a child of the preceding element (or nest of elements). For example, by default a <p> element following a list item becomes part of the <li>, and that is not necessarily what you want.

To close an element (or a hierarchy of elements) before starting the current block (for example):


; Frame para format = elements to be closed, with any other elements

;   nested under them, before the current block element starts.

Recap = li

Body = ul ol

Use this setting to force closure of elements that were opened based on settings in [DITAParents]; see §15.5.2 Designating DITA ancestor elements. You can list as many possible ancestors as necessary; order is not important.

For individual cases, you can insert a DITACloseBefore marker in the paragraph for the current block element instead, with content the name(s) of the element(s) to close. You can also use a DITACloseBefore marker to override a [DITACloseBefore] setting when you want to close a higher (or lower) ancestor than the setting specifies.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.5 Nesting DITA block elements > 15.5.9 Closing DITA ancestor elements > Ending ancestor elements before the current block