Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.1 Specifying options for ditamaps > Specifying the ID for a ditamap Specifying the ID for a ditamap

By default, the value of the id attribute for each DITA map is the base name of the FrameMaker file from which the map was generated. This is true for both book files and chapter files.

Mif2Go writes a map for each FrameMaker chapter. If your FrameMaker chapter file names contain characters that are not valid in the id attribute, you can prevent Mif2Go from creating map @ids:


; UseMapID = Yes (default) or No (omit entirely)

UseMapID = No

The id attribute has no use in DITA maps, so is not essential. However, without it you might not know just which chapter the map was made for. The map file name usually tells you, but if you change the file name to fit with a CMS requirement, for example, the @id might be all you have left.

To specify a different map @id for a particular chapter, include the following setting in a chapter-specific configuration file named for the FrameMaker file (see §33.1.1 Providing configuration files for individual chapters):


; MapID = id for Frame chapter file ditamap, default is base file name

MapID = otherid

Alternatively, you can insert a DITAMapID marker in the FrameMaker file. The content of the marker becomes the id attribute for the map generated from the file, overriding any value specified for MapID.

To specify a different book map @id, in your project configuration file:


; BookMapID = id for book file ditamap, default is base book file name

BookMapID = bookid

You cannot use a marker to override the id attribute of a map generated from a FrameMaker book file.

16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.1 Specifying options for ditamaps > Specifying the ID for a ditamap