Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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32 Working with content models > 32.4 Understanding content-model configurations > 32.4.3 Content model [TopicParents] settings

32.4.3 Content model [TopicParents] settings

These settings specify the possible parents of each element:


; element = single parent or single *elementset or Any or No

All elements are listed to the left of the equals sign, other than (for DITA) the topic type itself and the topic body type. If an element has more than one possible parent, those parents are defined as a single set, listed in [ElementSets]; see §32.4.2 Content model [ElementSets] settings.

Each of the items listed to the right of the equals sign is one of the following:

an element name (single parent)

an element set name (set of possible parents)

either of two reserved parent names:



Any parent is acceptable; mainly for inline elements


No parent is acceptable; for DITA, this includes elements present in the derived-from type that are excluded from the specialized type.

32 Working with content models > 32.4 Understanding content-model configurations > 32.4.3 Content model [TopicParents] settings