Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.3 Setting Configuration Manager preferences > Annotating changes made to configuration files Annotating changes made to configuration files

To keep an annotated record of all the changes made to your files with the Configuration Manager, check Include history comments.

To own up to these changes, under User name for history comments provide an identifier such as your name or initials.

The Configuration Manager inserts a comment above each change, showing what was changed and when. Deleted items are “commented out”, rather than removed. For example:


Title=Mif2Go User's Guide

;2012-11-30 15:16:08: CS deleted duplicate Title

;=Title=Mif2Go User's Guide

Annotation takes effect immediately.

4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.3 Setting Configuration Manager preferences > Annotating changes made to configuration files