Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.3 Setting Configuration Manager preferences > Specifying colors for different types of settings Specifying colors for different types of settings

These are the colors the Configuration Manager uses to display different kinds of items: 

Available fixed-name sections

Configuration sections that are valid in the category of settings you are working with, but that do not appear in any files for the current session.

Available fixed-key settings

Configuration settings that are valid in the section you are working with, but that do not appear in any instances of that section in the files for the current session.

Variable names and keys

Configuration sections such as format and macro definitions, and settings with keys such as format names or object identifiers, whether or not they appear in the files for the current session.

Internal defaults

Values that Mif2Go uses for settings that do not appear in any of the files for the current session.

System configuration files

Values specified for settings in the system configuration templates. You cannot change these values; instead, you override them in the corresponding local configuration templates. See §30.5.1 Understanding what configuration files are available.

To change the color of an item, click the colored box next to the description. The Windows color picker opens. Here you can go wild with any colors that float your boat; however, avoid red. The Configuration Manager uses red to flag invalid section and setting names; see§ Correcting configuration errors.

Click OK to dismiss the color picker and establish the new color. The color change takes effect immediately.

4 Editing configuration files > 4.2 Editing files with the Configuration Manager > 4.2.3 Setting Configuration Manager preferences > Specifying colors for different types of settings