Why should I upgrade?

After looking over the new Mif2Go, I see there are lots of adjustments necessary to make things work with this new version. I've been perfectly happy with the Omnihelp, OracleHelp, and RTF conversions I've made from FrameMaker with the older version of Mif2Go. Why should I make the adjustments necessary needed to install the newer version?

Adjustments needed for new version

The good news is, there are hardly any adjustments you need to make, beyond the install itself, a ten-minute task. We provide complete back compatibility. The new version will work fine with your current .inis, for example. It will rename the [FDK] section to [Setup], but you may not even notice that.

The benefits? Many, many bug fixes, for one. It's been three years, and our customers have not hesitated to point out the odd corners where they have had problems. You may not have hit any yet, but when you do, we'll ask you to install the current version first; we can't support old ones. And a time like that may not be the best time to learn the new setup.

There are also numerous enhancements, again thanks to the customers who asked for them. Almost all improvements to Mif2Go and DITA2Go come from such requests. We listen. For a full list, see the first section of the User's Guide, About, and read New Information. For instance, for Frame 8 and up, we now fully support Asian (CJK) scripts in HTML Help, as well as all the other Code Page encodings one might want. And we've improved Automation features; for example, we can now copy referenced graphics from wherever they are to the output directory.

The new .ini tree setup may look daunting at first, but it greatly simplifies maintenance, which is why we created it. Now you have one place to put settings that apply to all instances of a specific output format. And another place that applies to all outputs from a particular document. And those changes will not be lost in the next upgrade; we can provide new features without interfering with your customizations. The next upgrade will include a new GUI that will vastly simplify making and changing settings in the .ini tree, too.

What's not to like? ;-)

Upgrading...worked like a charm!

Thanks for the encouragement to upgrade. I followed the instructions in the docs and it was pretty painless!...

Not only that, all my old projects seem to be working fine. Thanks again!
